ocr: * E ELLING MACINTOSH MAGAZINE SSUE 32 - Christmas 1995 ISSUE 321 : CHRISTHAS 1995 - C4.991 WITH CD-ROM MACFORMAT - = a Free MacGamer supplement! S8 your, mac to create a On the disk: Pentominoes, artists masterpiece reveal = their professional secrets Frog Xing, Xmas Lights, Ther new Powerilacs- FindText 1.3, utilities. trokesol genlus? On the CD-ROM: sorry, the CD-ROM edition is no longer available. Inside: create great art on your Mac, the new range ofl PowerMacs, PageMaker 6, kids' multimedia. PLUS Apples Qicitine a * d virtaal ca reaitu Papetaer sotean E1 an te a Order codes: Mac Bat abe a ...